SMALL Blue French Bulldog Female YOSHI and brother BUDDHA are EXAMPLES of our PUPS!



EXAMPLES of our Blue and Blue Fawn French Bulldog Puppies

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More and more often we are having Pups that STAY BLUE. Have a look below…

We occasionally have Blue French Bulldog puppies as this color is a natural occurrence in the breed but often discouraged and also the puppies will turn another natural color like fawn or brindle.

For years my mama dogs would give birth to “gray puppies” and after three weeks they would turn fawn or brindle. This gray color is a recessive gene much like red hair in humans.

What is in line breeding?

For a long time the only way to “find this gene” was to breed a daughter to her father in order to exacerbate the recessive genes. This is common practice in dog breeding when trying to encourage a trait that is not common.

It is called in line breeding and the most common example is miniature breeds. They were all “provoked” in this way.

The problem is that when you encourage recessive traits you could be encouraging other unwanted traits that won’t show up until this is done. This might contribute to less healthy families of dogs.

The only way to discourage this happening is to wait patiently until you have two unrelated dogs that are the same color. They both carry the recessive gene but they are unrelated. In this way we can encourage this color or a size trait which is how also miniature dog breeds have blossomed into healthy lines. Once upon a time that other breed as a miniature was not strong and health.

Take Yorkshire terriers for example…. It took many years to turn the traits around and eventually newer stronger bloodlines were born. Today Yorkshire terriers are considered to be strong and healthy as a breed.

And so it is with breeding of Blue French Bulldog Puppies here at FrenchBullDogsLA.
    Dr. Marika Zoll

    3632 Thacher Road
    Ojai, CA, 93023

    cell: 310-666-7840

    More about my Blue French Bulldog Puppies here BELOW

    Roses are red violets are blue what does a blue French bulldog mean for you?

    Blue French Bulldogs Can be HEALTHY and UNRELATED

    The appeal of blue French Bulldog puppies lies in their striking coat color, but it’s important to understand how such unique traits come about. Historically, the blue coat—while undeniably beautiful—was often achieved through practices like breeding dogs within the same bloodline. This method, known in breeding circles as “line breeding” or in some cases “inbreeding,” involves pairing related dogs to amplify specific genetic traits.

    Recessive genes play a significant role in producing traits like a blue coat. These genes, which are typically less dominant, require the right conditions to be expressed. For instance, just as blond hair appears more rarely in human populations compared to dark hair, the blue coloration in French Bulldogs requires careful genetic alignment. To bring out such a recessive trait, breeders may pair dogs that carry the same recessive gene, often found within related animals.

    This process works because offspring inherit genes from both parents. For a recessive trait, like the blue coat in French Bulldogs, to manifest, both parents must contribute the recessive gene. This is why line breeding can ensure the blue coat appears with greater consistency, though it raises concerns about genetic diversity.

    When searching for blue French Bulldogs for sale in California or elsewhere, it’s vital to consider how these puppies were bred. Ethical breeding practices prioritize the health and well-being of the dogs, ensuring that their stunning blue coats are not achieved at the expense of their genetic health.

    The World’s Largest Dog Shows

    Over 173 breeds compete at the worlds largest show for dogs in the world West Minister kennel club dog show. When all these dogs are seen together in a hotel lobby before the show it’s a dizzying array of different sized bodies, the length of the noses the ways they bark and these are the differences that make the dog lovers such obstinant partisans.

    Uniqueness seems to be a striving goal . Most of the Breed’s have been created by men themselves by bringing together traits from different dogs and combining their favorites and accentuating those things by breeding offspring with others that have the closest desired attributes. Consider the work behind creating a dog that might be well suited for cornering badgers.

    It’s believed that hunters in Germany in the 18th and 19th century brought together some different combinations of hounds such as a Bassett hound that was a native of France being a possible likely suspect together with some sort of a terrier eventually producing a new variation on the Bassett hound with stubby legs and a  round body that made it possible for it to chase its prey into the mouth of a burrow.  

    This today is called the dachsund or in German  “a badger dog”. Since the evolution of the Dachsund in more recent years breeders decided they wanted a smaller variation on this dog and then eventually by breeding together smaller varieties of the badger dog a miniature dachsund had now been established. You can find a similar history on many of the breeds that are now taken so for granted As being just a breed with no question about how it came into being

    This is all common knowledge amongst breeders but not talked about with the general public as a whole. And unfortunately there isn’t some sort of quality control  for Breeders that prohibits breeders from doing experiments.

    How To Exacerbate a Trait

    Many learned early on with many examples that combining genes of related dogs can exacerbate a trait encouraging the outcome desired . It is with this knowledge in mind that dog breeders can have some control over the babies that are born.

    • However the notion is most often with the way the dog looks in mind.
    • Unfortunately health characteristics are often ignored or looked at later rather than sooner.
    • In general people respond to what they can see.
    • Beautiful traits are seen.
    • A brain too large for a dogs skull is most likely not seen and therefore ignored.

    What sits in the face of the breeder is most often times A puppy that has a preferred look about it. It may be small or it may be tall it may have a special kind of hair.  

    We will talk more later about stabilizing the traits.

    Nature Traits

    The nature of the animal can also easily be considered since it can be seen. This observation lends itself to some deliberate bad breeding of fighting dogs. In the world of fighting dogs aggressive dogs are bred together with other aggressive dogs certainly ensuring aggressive dogs that will be more inclined to fight.

    This Brings To Mind the Fox Story about Blue Frenchies

    This reminds me of the story about the foxes. There was a question asked once…

    Do domestic dogs really come from Wolves?  

    Some people say “for certain” and other people say “absolutely not!”

    So science stepped in and retrieved foxes from the wild. They were all solid black foxes and they started breeding together the like minded animals meaning the gentle foxes to other gentle foxes and the more aggressive ones to other aggressive ones. This continued for five years long.

    A very interesting outcome happened!

    Let’s first take a look at the foxes that were aggressive and what those puppies grew into when being bread together over and over and over again aggressive pups to aggressive pups the outcome was an extremely aggressive fox that clung to the side of its cage like a rabid animal and still a solid black fox.

    However things were very different with the gentle natured foxes that were brought together over and over again for five years.

    Not only were these foxes as domesticated as a household dog with absolutely no tendency of shyness or fear just completely normal like a social domesticated dog BUT additionally a fascinating fact was that they were no longer black. They were all different shades of colors of the rainbow across all the different dog breeds.

    There were white ones and tan ones and brown ones and white ones with black spots and white ones with brown spots and dogs with spotted gray markings like blue. Merle’s every combination you can imagine resulted from breeding gentle natured foxes together for five years continuously.

    French Bulldogs Genes That Are Connected

    What this has taught us is that  what you breed together  will give a certain nature outcome in addition to color traits, that the nature trait is somehow actually connected to the color trait. That’s as far as the guesswork goes.

    There is still no scientific conclusion as to why that is.

    If this were the case with human genome’s then you could explain all of the bad blonde jokes but we know of course this not to be true with humans. It seems that the genetic structuring of dogs is in fact very different from humans and therefore still loaded with questions.

    Red, White and Blue French Bulldogs (for Sale)

    We sell almost every frenchie color. Red French Bulldogs or white French bulldogs or blue French bulldogs they all have one very significant thing in common.

    They are the results of an abundance of recessive genes that hold those colors to trump the dominant genes and give birth to a puppy of that lesser common color.

    Let’s clarify what exactly the differences between dominant or recessive genes are…

    Back to Basics: Dominant and Recessive Genes

    You may have to go back to grade school to dig up these old memories but in fact it begins with that we all have two copies of each gene that we inherited from our mothers and our fathers.

    And each copy of those jeans can be different.

    This means that one of those copies might give you blue eyes while another one of those copies might give you brown eyes.

    So what would the color of your eyes be if you have both the blue eye and the brown eye version of the eye color Gene? Well that would be Brown…

    It is from this that comes the idea of dominant and recessive.

    Dominant then means that one of the versions supersedes the other version. In our example here in the sketch on this page the brown is dominant above the blue so then you will end up with brown eyes.

    The illustration demonstrates the way that we write out recessive and dominant traits on paper with the dominant one represented as a capital letter and the recessive one represented by a lowercase letter so in this discussion about eye color the Blueeyes is represented by a Lower case “b” and the brown eyes is represented by An upper case “B”.

    Dominant and Recessive Genes team up

    So as I stated above humans have two variations of every gene so you can be BB, Bb, or bb–BB and Bb and have dark brown eyes or be a bb and have blue eyes.

    Now let’s substitute the capital B and the small b in our  example with dogs and genetics and say that we’re talking about a dark colored dog or a lighter color dog and in the case of blue French bulldog puppies the darker color dog is a black or brown brindle which is the dominant gene but we also have in the bloodline the lighter color.

    We can get real deep and serious about this and tell you later about how the lighter color is actually a dilution of the darker color which also holds to be true with blue eyes which are actually a lacking of pigment but that’s all much more confusing and we want to keep it simple here.

    I’m trying to help you understand how genes are duplicated and in breeding whether it be dogs or humans the more dominant genes you have the more likely that your dogs will be dark colored.

    Until recently the main way that these light colored dogs were  showing up was by encouraging more of the recessive genes by breeding the children back to their parents.

    • In this way you can double up on the recessive genes.
    • This is called in line breeding or abbreviated it’s called inbreeding.
    • The serious problem with this technique though is that we are encouraging other recessive genes as well as ones that we are not discussing or looking  closely at although ones that could be health issues or risks.
    • We may not know what they are upfront in our face but later on after dogs mature health issues can be observed.

    It is for this reason that I have never for the last 10 years participated in deliberate breeding of blue French bulldog puppies!

    I was always terrified that if I just got one from anywhere it could be a result of inbreeding and I would end up with the dog that was unhealthy.

    European Bloodlines produce strong Blue French Bulldog puppies

    It’s for this reason that I chose to be patient and when I knew that a breeder in Russia from whom, I had bought my initial breeding females that she was having some blue French bulldog puppies.

    I learned that her blue puppies were a result of breeding together unrelated dogs.

    The typical result would be one single puppy in a litter of perhaps six. It wasn’t uncommon for one gray puppy to be born but for it to remain gray that was another story.

    So I saw her first blue puppy about five years ago that stayed gray and was an incredibly beautiful dog.

    She continued to breed together these unrelated dogs and for a long time didn’t have any more gray puppies and then when she finally did again I was first in line for that puppy.

    I feel confident after a 10 year relationship with this breeder that her practices are ethical and that she’s being honest with me and I have seen many many of her dogs mature and live long healthy lives a few of them as old as 18 before passing away.

    It is after this long wait and observation that I finally received Logan – he is my stud dog who is what we call a reverse brindle on paper but in fact he is a gray dog with lots of fawn striping through his coat and striping is referred to as brindling.

    You can see here by these pictures just how extraordinary he is.

    • He is now two years old and has in fact not yet been to the vet other than for his well puppy check.
    • His parents are healthy dogs, his father is a beautiful blue French bulldog and his mother is a fawn.
    • I feel confident that he is a healthy specimen of the breed and that he is not a result of inbreeding.

    Breeding together non related dogs

    I am now making the same effort and continuing this practice of breeding together non related dogs with this special blue/ gray color pups. These Blue French bulldog puppies that come from him are always a result of breeding together non related dogs.

    In many cases the female is also a fawn with parents of varying colors including one blue gray parent that we referred to as a blue French bulldog.

    A Short Study on White Genes – and its relation to the Blue French Bulldog Puppies for Sale

    In the interest of dominant and recessive genes this seems the right page to for a moment tell the story that I learned the hard way about White Dogs and all other species.

    The very first time I bred two French Bulldogs together  they were white dogs with colored spotting. We call this a piebald dog in this breed. One dog had dark brindle spots and the other dog had light cream spots sometimes called a honey Pied.

    But, nobody told me that any dog that has a white base color that the dog is actually caring the Deaf gene.

    As a result of this bad combination two dogs caring DEAF GENES my first litter of French bulldog puppies there were six and one was deaf.

    In fact we never even knew this until the puppy was six months old when I got that terrible phone call telling me that the puppy I had sold someone unknowingly was deaf.

    In the end of that story I found them a companion dog for their deaf puppy but still the fact remains that I could’ve prevented the puppy from ever being born deaf if I had not bred together two dogs that carried white as part of their color genetic make up.

    All things white carry the DEAF GENE

    It turns out that in all species whether humans, a cat or a goldfish when there is white which is a lacking of pigment for some reason still unknown to science as to why that is, the deaf gene is attached to the white gene.

    It has amazed me over the years to realize how many breeders out there are unaware of this fact. I felt embarrassed by my mistake and it was at that time that I decided to study genetics and be sure that I never made a mistake like that again.

    I took continuing education  Ph.D course classes. This also plays into my passionate opinion about breeding unrelated dogs together to accomplish a possible blue French bulldog puppy.

    Piebald puppies, which are white with dark or fawn spots, are often born. However, it’s important to avoid breeding two such parents together. If both parents are white with spots, their offspring are more likely to be deaf. This is an important consideration for future breeding.

    Why the deaf Gene is attached to the white Jean is as big a mystery as why the foxes that were breeding together with similar gentle temperaments started throwing colors.

    How can color and the nature traits be attached?

    Science doesn’t know but in fact they are.

    Here is one last startling fact about unlikely genes being connected. The blind gene attaches to blue Merle ! How do you like that? Weird huh.

    I hope this information clarifies the concerns about blue French bulldog puppies. Many of them are results of inbreeding. We’re advocating for healthier breeding practices in the present day to avoid these issues.

    Intention to breed only healthy dogs

    My goal is to engage only in healthy French bulldog breeding practices. In the future, I aim to offer more puppies to discerning customers like you. By reading this article, you show interest in this breed. Rest assured, you can enjoy purchasing a French bulldog puppy from us without worrying about health issues. You will just experience the joy of owning a unique and special pet.