2 Raw or Not 2 Raw

These and many questions crossed our minds at some time or the other especially when we have a new puppy or pet added to the household. What are the cheapest foods, what are the best kibble and snacks and how often should I feed? Well, I say toss ALL of that out of the window everything learned or what someone told you about the old way you feed your dog and see how I have fed my dogs. The difference is amazing. I too started off with kibble from A to Z from high price to low from canes meats and after 35 years of feeding this way my dogs had disease skins disorders.

Pet Fooled : The Netflix Documentary – My Thoughts

I was browsing through Netflix late Saturday night looking for an interesting movie to watch and came across this documentary called Pet Fooled. It is co produced by Kohl Harrington and Micheal Fossat.

Pet Fooled describes the commercial pet food industry and the lack of transparency about what goes into the packaged pet food we give our pets. Being a new pet owner I have always looked for the best most healthiest pet food on the supermarket or pet store shelf for my little french bull dog. The documentary was an informative eye opener for me and I recommend it for all new pet owners. You must make it a must watch on your to watch film /documentary list.

Blue French Bulldog Celebs

A couple of days ago, I was searching the internet for 2016’s best and most popular breeds of pet dogs. Amongst breeds like golden retrievers and terriers, I came across the breed of French bull dogs

Blue French bulldog male

What makes Blue Frenchies’s Blue?

The first time I heard about a blue french bull dog I was surprised. A blue dog I thought that has to be either a funny nick name with an interesting anecdote behind it or definitely a rare unusual breed of dogs.

IVDD and your French Bulldog

This is Dr. Marika writing to you here on my guests article about IVDD. If you happened here by chance then you will be surprised to learn what it is many pet owners have to deal with related to their french bulldogs back. I personally never had this experience in 15 years until recently.